Speed governor
HCB-MSC (Engine Speed Control)
Depending on the parameterization, the speed governor controls or regulates the speed of a hydraulic motor.
Inputs and outputs:
- Digital input for release, manual mode switchover
- Frequency inputs for the set and actual speed of the hydraulic motor
- Analog inputs for the trimming factor or setpoint specification in manual mode
- Proportional output with current feedback measurement for a proportional valve
- Status outputs for fault diagnosis
Detailed information
Depending on the parameterization, the speed governor controls or regulates the speed of a hydraulic motor.
An analog value (from a higher-level controller) or a frequency signal (speed) can serve as the setpoint source. A trimming factor can be continuously adjusted between the setpoint and actual speed.
The standard hardware for this control system is the HCB controller, which can be used to control 2 solenoids. The MSC control unit enables unidirectional control of a pump.
If it is necessary for the speed governor to interact with another function, it is easy to port the function to another hardware platform. One example is the synchronization of a winch with a traction drive for off-road vehicles or with a cylinder function (davit in shipbuilding).
The speed governor is used in speed-dependent spreading material application (feed and fertilizer spreaders and winter service), in the synchronization of conveyor belt drives, etc.
Inputs and outputs
- Digital input for release, manual mode switchover
- Frequency inputs for the set and actual speed of the hydraulic motor
- Analog inputs for the trimming factor or setpoint specification in manual mode
- Proportional output with current feedback measurement for a proportional valve
- Status outputs for fault diagnosis
Control unit: HCB / Application: MSC (Engine Speed Control)
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Get in touch
Dirk Jansen Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Phone: +49 2534 9731-0
Völkel Mikroelektronik GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Straße 30
48161 Münster